Schedule of Events


7/27-28: Consent Agenda, a benefit performance featuring comedy sketches, historic and contemporary music, videos, and more.  Saturday at 7:00pm and Sunday at 2:00 pm.


8/4: Poetry Reading with Margaret Lublin and Jane Tokunaga. 5:00 pm. 

8/4-9/29: Class: Scenework & Ensemble (Sundays).  12 pm - 2 pm (no class Sunday, September 1)

8/7-9/25: Class: Advanced Longform (Wednesdays). 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm

8/9-25: Atacama, a play by Augusto Federico Amador. Thursday, Friday, Saturday at 7:30 pm.; Sunday at 2:00 pm.

8/11: Buddha’s Cat: Book Release & Poetry Reading. 5:00 pm.


Mariana Pineda, by Federico Garcia Lorca. $5 viewing fee on Xerb

United in Blood, the Revolutionary Music and Poetry of Chile. $5 viewing fee on Xerb

Cat's Pajamas, by Albuquerque playwright Vicki Meagher. $5 viewing fee on Xerb

Black Range Trilogy, by Santa Fe poet/playwright John Macker. $5 viewing fee on Xerb

Save the Bees, a play by NM State Senator Bill O’Neill. Free viewing on Xerb

Paja and The Peanuts and The Picky Princesses: Presented by the Umbrella Children's Theatre. Free viewing

A Musical Piñata for Christmas XI Community Celebration. Free viewing

The Butler Didn’t Do It!: Presented by the Umbrella Children's Theatre. Free viewing

Consent Agenda

Poetry Reading with Margaret Lublin and Jane Tokunaga

Class: Scenework & Ensemble (Sundays)

Class: Advanced Longform (Wednesdays)


Buddha’s Cat: Book Release & Poetry Reading

United in Blood

Mariana Pineda

Cat's Pajamas

The Butler Didn’t Do It!

Paja and The Peanuts and The Picky Princesses

Black Range Trilogy

A Musical Piñata for Christmas XI

Save the Bees